Source code for sos.policies

import os
import re
import platform
import time
import json
import fnmatch
import tempfile
import random
import string

from getpass import getpass
from pwd import getpwuid
from sos.utilities import (ImporterHelper,
from import IndependentPlugin, ExperimentalPlugin
from sos.options import SoSOptions
from sos import _sos as _
from textwrap import fill
from pipes import quote

PRESETS_PATH = "/etc/sos/presets.d"

    import requests
except ImportError:

def import_policy(name):
    policy_fqname = "sos.policies.%s" % name
        return import_module(policy_fqname, Policy)
    except ImportError:
        return None

def load(cache={}, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True,
         remote_exec=None, remote_check=''):
    if 'policy' in cache:
        return cache.get('policy')

    import sos.policies
    helper = ImporterHelper(sos.policies)
    for module in helper.get_modules():
        for policy in import_policy(module):
            if policy.check(remote=remote_check):
                cache['policy'] = policy(sysroot=sysroot, init=init,

    if 'policy' not in cache:
        cache['policy'] = GenericPolicy()

    return cache['policy']

[docs]class ContainerRuntime(object): """Encapsulates a container runtime that provides the ability to plugins to check runtime status, check for the presence of specific containers, and to format commands to run in those containers :param policy: The loaded policy for the system :type policy: ``Policy()`` :cvar name: The name of the container runtime, e.g. 'podman' :vartype name: ``str`` :cvar containers: A list of containers known to the runtime :vartype containers: ``list`` :cvar images: A list of images known to the runtime :vartype images: ``list`` :cvar binary: The binary command to run for the runtime, must exit within $PATH :vartype binary: ``str`` """ name = 'Undefined' containers = [] images = [] volumes = [] binary = '' active = False def __init__(self, policy=None): self.policy = policy self.run_cmd = "%s exec " % self.binary
[docs] def load_container_info(self): """If this runtime is found to be active, attempt to load information on the objects existing in the runtime. """ self.containers = self.get_containers() self.images = self.get_images() self.volumes = self.get_volumes()
[docs] def check_is_active(self): """Check to see if the container runtime is both present AND active. Active in this sense means that the runtime can be used to glean information about the runtime itself and containers that are running. :returns: ``True`` if the runtime is active, else ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if is_executable(self.binary): = True return True return False
[docs] def get_containers(self, get_all=False): """Get a list of containers present on the system. :param get_all: If set, include stopped containers as well :type get_all: ``bool`` """ containers = [] _cmd = "%s ps %s" % (self.binary, '-a' if get_all else '') if out = sos_get_command_output(_cmd) if out['status'] == 0: for ent in out['output'].splitlines()[1:]: ent = ent.split() # takes the form (container_id, container_name) containers.append((ent[0], ent[-1])) return containers
[docs] def get_container_by_name(self, name): """Get the container ID for the container matching the provided name :param name: The name of the container, note this can be a regex :type name: ``str`` :returns: The id of the first container to match `name`, else ``None`` :rtype: ``str`` """ if not or name is None: return None for c in self.containers: if re.match(name, c[1]): return c[1] return None
[docs] def get_images(self): """Get a list of images present on the system :returns: A list of 2-tuples containing (image_name, image_id) :rtype: ``list`` """ images = [] fmt = '{{lower .Repository}}:{{lower .Tag}} {{lower .ID}}' if out = sos_get_command_output("%s images --format '%s'" % (self.binary, fmt)) if out['status'] == 0: for ent in out['output'].splitlines(): ent = ent.split() # takes the form (image_name, image_id) images.append((ent[0], ent[1])) return images
[docs] def get_volumes(self): """Get a list of container volumes present on the system :returns: A list of volume IDs on the system :rtype: ``list`` """ vols = [] if out = sos_get_command_output("%s volume ls" % self.binary) if out['status'] == 0: for ent in out['output'].splitlines()[1:]: ent = ent.split() vols.append(ent[-1]) return vols
[docs] def fmt_container_cmd(self, container, cmd): """Format a command to run inside a container using the runtime :param container: The name or ID of the container in which to run :type container: ``str`` :param cmd: The command to run inside `container` :type cmd: ``str`` :returns: Formatted string to run `cmd` inside `container` :rtype: ``str`` """ return "%s %s %s" % (self.run_cmd, container, quote(cmd))
[docs] def get_logs_command(self, container): """Get the command string used to dump container logs from the runtime :param container: The name or ID of the container to get logs for :type container: ``str`` :returns: Formatted runtime command to get logs from `container` :type: ``str`` """ return "%s logs -t %s" % (self.binary, container)
[docs]class DockerContainerRuntime(ContainerRuntime): """Runtime class to use for systems running Docker""" name = 'docker' binary = 'docker'
[docs] def check_is_active(self): # the daemon must be running if (is_executable('docker') and self.policy.init_system.is_running('docker')): = True return True return False
[docs]class PodmanContainerRuntime(ContainerRuntime): """Runtime class to use for systems running Podman""" name = 'podman' binary = 'podman'
[docs]class InitSystem(object): """Encapsulates an init system to provide service-oriented functions to sos. This should be used to query the status of services, such as if they are enabled or disabled on boot, or if the service is currently running. :param init_cmd: The binary used to interact with the init system :type init_cmd: ``str`` :param list_cmd: The list subcmd given to `init_cmd` to list services :type list_cmd: ``str`` :param query_cmd: The query subcmd given to `query_cmd` to query the status of services :type query_cmd: ``str`` """ def __init__(self, init_cmd=None, list_cmd=None, query_cmd=None): """Initialize a new InitSystem()""" = {} self.init_cmd = init_cmd self.list_cmd = "%s %s" % (self.init_cmd, list_cmd) or None self.query_cmd = "%s %s" % (self.init_cmd, query_cmd) or None
[docs] def is_enabled(self, name): """Check if given service name is enabled :param name: The name of the service :type name: ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if the service is enabled, else ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if and name in return[name]['config'] == 'enabled' return False
[docs] def is_disabled(self, name): """Check if a given service name is disabled :param name: The name of the service :type name: ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if the service is disabled, else ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ if and name in return[name]['config'] == 'disabled' return False
[docs] def is_service(self, name): """Checks if the given service name exists on the system at all, this does not check for the service status :param name: The name of the service :type name: ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if the service exists, else ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return name in
[docs] def is_running(self, name): """Checks if the given service name is in a running state. This should be overridden by initsystems that subclass InitSystem :param name: The name of the service :type name: ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if the service is running, else ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ # This is going to be primarily used in gating if service related # commands are going to be run or not. Default to always returning # True when an actual init system is not specified by policy so that # we don't inadvertantly restrict sosreports on those systems return True
[docs] def load_all_services(self): """This loads all services known to the init system into a dict. The dict should be keyed by the service name, and contain a dict of the name and service status This must be overridden by anything that subclasses `InitSystem` in order for service methods to function properly """ pass
def _query_service(self, name): """Query an individual service""" if self.query_cmd: try: return sos_get_command_output("%s %s" % (self.query_cmd, name)) except Exception: return None return None
[docs] def parse_query(self, output): """Parses the output returned by the query command to make a determination of what the state of the service is This should be overriden by anything that subclasses InitSystem :param output: The raw output from querying the service with the configured `query_cmd` :type output: ``str`` :returns: A state for the service, e.g. 'active', 'disabled', etc... :rtype: ``str`` """ return output
[docs] def get_service_names(self, regex): """Get a list of all services discovered on the system that match the given regex. :param regex: The service name regex to match against :type regex: ``str`` """ reg = re.compile(regex, re.I) return [s for s in if reg.match(s)]
[docs] def get_service_status(self, name): """Get the status for the given service name along with the output of the query command :param name: The name of the service :type name: ``str`` :returns: Service status and query_cmd output from the init system :rtype: ``dict`` with keys `name`, `status`, and `output` """ _default = { 'name': name, 'status': 'missing', 'output': '' } if name not in return _default if 'status' in[name]: # service status has been queried before, return existing info return[name] svc = self._query_service(name) if svc is not None:[name]['status'] = self.parse_query(svc['output'])[name]['output'] = svc['output'] return[name] return _default
[docs]class SystemdInit(InitSystem): """InitSystem abstraction for SystemD systems""" def __init__(self): super(SystemdInit, self).__init__( init_cmd='systemctl', list_cmd='list-unit-files --type=service', query_cmd='status' ) self.load_all_services()
[docs] def parse_query(self, output): for line in output.splitlines(): if line.strip().startswith('Active:'): return line.split()[1] return 'unknown'
[docs] def load_all_services(self): svcs = shell_out(self.list_cmd).splitlines()[1:] for line in svcs: try: name = line.split('.service')[0] config = line.split()[1][name] = { 'name': name, 'config': config } except IndexError: pass
[docs] def is_running(self, name): svc = self.get_service_status(name) return svc['status'] == 'active'
[docs]class PackageManager(object): """Encapsulates a package manager. If you provide a query_command to the constructor it should print each package on the system in the following format:: package name|package.version You may also subclass this class and provide a get_pkg_list method to build the list of packages and versions. :cvar query_command: The command to use for querying packages :vartype query_command: ``str`` or ``None`` :cvar verify_command: The command to use for verifying packages :vartype verify_command: ``str`` or ``None`` :cvar verify_filter: Optional filter to use for controlling package verification :vartype verify_filter: ``str or ``None`` :cvar files_command: The command to use for getting file lists for packages :vartype files_command: ``str`` or ``None`` :cvar chroot: Perform a chroot when executing `files_command` :vartype chroot: ``bool`` :cvar remote_exec: If package manager is on a remote system (e.g. for sos collect), prepend this SSH command to run remotely :vartype remote_exec: ``str`` or ``None`` """ query_command = None verify_command = None verify_filter = None chroot = None files = None def __init__(self, chroot=None, query_command=None, verify_command=None, verify_filter=None, files_command=None, remote_exec=None): self.packages = {} self.files = [] self.query_command = query_command if query_command else None self.verify_command = verify_command if verify_command else None self.verify_filter = verify_filter if verify_filter else None self.files_command = files_command if files_command else None # if needed, append the remote command to these so that this returns # the remote package details, not local if remote_exec: for cmd in ['query_command', 'verify_command', 'files_command']: if getattr(self, cmd) is not None: _cmd = getattr(self, cmd) setattr(self, cmd, "%s %s" % (remote_exec, quote(_cmd))) if chroot: self.chroot = chroot
[docs] def all_pkgs_by_name(self, name): """ Get a list of packages that match name. :param name: The name of the package :type name: ``str`` :returns: List of all packages matching `name` :rtype: ``list`` """ return fnmatch.filter(self.all_pkgs().keys(), name)
[docs] def all_pkgs_by_name_regex(self, regex_name, flags=0): """ Get a list of packages that match regex_name. :param regex_name: The regex to use for matching package names against :type regex_name: ``str`` :param flags: Flags for the `re` module when matching `regex_name` :returns: All packages matching `regex_name` :rtype: ``list`` """ reg = re.compile(regex_name, flags) return [pkg for pkg in self.all_pkgs().keys() if reg.match(pkg)]
[docs] def pkg_by_name(self, name): """ Get a single package that matches name. :param name: The name of the package :type name: ``str`` :returns: The first package that matches `name` :rtype: ``str`` """ pkgmatches = self.all_pkgs_by_name(name) if (len(pkgmatches) != 0): return self.all_pkgs_by_name(name)[-1] else: return None
[docs] def get_pkg_list(self): """Returns a dictionary of packages in the following format:: {'package_name': {'name': 'package_name', 'version': 'major.minor.version'}} """ if self.query_command: cmd = self.query_command pkg_list = shell_out( cmd, timeout=0, chroot=self.chroot ).splitlines() for pkg in pkg_list: if '|' not in pkg: continue elif pkg.count("|") == 1: name, version = pkg.split("|") release = None elif pkg.count("|") == 2: name, version, release = pkg.split("|") self.packages[name] = { 'name': name, 'version': version.split(".") } release = release if release else None self.packages[name]['release'] = release return self.packages
[docs] def pkg_version(self, pkg): """Returns the entry in self.packages for pkg if it exists :param pkg: The name of the package :type pkg: ``str`` :returns: Package name and version, if package exists :rtype: ``dict`` if found, else ``None`` """ pkgs = self.all_pkgs() if pkg in pkgs: return pkgs[pkg] return None
[docs] def all_pkgs(self): """ Get a list of all packages. :returns: All packages, with name and version, installed on the system :rtype: ``dict`` """ if not self.packages: self.packages = self.get_pkg_list() return self.packages
[docs] def pkg_nvra(self, pkg): """Get the name, version, release, and architecture for a package :param pkg: The name of the package :type pkg: ``str`` :returns: name, version, release, and arch of the package :rtype: ``tuple`` """ fields = pkg.split("-") version, release, arch = fields[-3:] name = "-".join(fields[:-3]) return (name, version, release, arch)
[docs] def all_files(self): """ Get a list of files known by the package manager :returns: All files known by the package manager :rtype: ``list`` """ if self.files_command and not self.files: cmd = self.files_command files = shell_out(cmd, timeout=0, chroot=self.chroot) self.files = files.splitlines() return self.files
[docs] def build_verify_command(self, packages): """build_verify_command(self, packages) -> str Generate a command to verify the list of packages given in ``packages`` using the native package manager's verification tool. The command to be executed is returned as a string that may be passed to a command execution routine (for e.g. ``sos_get_command_output()``. :param packages: a string, or a list of strings giving package names to be verified. :returns: a string containing an executable command that will perform verification of the given packages. :rtype: str or ``NoneType`` """ if not self.verify_command: return None # The re.match(pkg) used by all_pkgs_by_name_regex() may return # an empty list (`[[]]`) when no package matches: avoid building # an rpm -V command line with the empty string as the package # list in this case. by_regex = self.all_pkgs_by_name_regex verify_list = filter(None, map(by_regex, packages)) # No packages after regex match? if not verify_list: return None verify_packages = "" for package_list in verify_list: for package in package_list: if any([f in package for f in self.verify_filter]): continue if len(verify_packages): verify_packages += " " verify_packages += package return self.verify_command + " " + verify_packages
#: Constants for on-disk preset fields DESC = "desc" NOTE = "note" OPTS = "args"
[docs]class PresetDefaults(object): """Preset command line defaults to allow for quick reference to sets of commonly used options :param name: The name of the new preset :type name: ``str`` :param desc: A description for the new preset :type desc: ``str`` :param note: Note for the new preset :type note: ``str`` :param opts: Options set for the new preset :type opts: ``SoSOptions`` """ #: Preset name, used for selection name = None #: Human readable preset description desc = None #: Notes on preset behaviour note = None #: Options set for this preset opts = SoSOptions() #: ``True`` if this preset if built-in or ``False`` otherwise. builtin = True def __str__(self): """Return a human readable string representation of this ``PresetDefaults`` object. """ return ("name=%s desc=%s note=%s opts=(%s)" % (, self.desc, self.note, str(self.opts))) def __repr__(self): """Return a machine readable string representation of this ``PresetDefaults`` object. """ return ("PresetDefaults(name='%s' desc='%s' note='%s' opts=(%s)" % (, self.desc, self.note, repr(self.opts))) def __init__(self, name="", desc="", note=None, opts=SoSOptions()): """Initialise a new ``PresetDefaults`` object with the specified arguments. :returns: The newly initialised ``PresetDefaults`` """ = name self.desc = desc self.note = note self.opts = opts
[docs] def write(self, presets_path): """Write this preset to disk in JSON notation. :param presets_path: the directory where the preset will be written :type presets_path: ``str`` """ if self.builtin: raise TypeError("Cannot write built-in preset") # Make dictionaries of PresetDefaults values odict = self.opts.dict() pdict = { {DESC: self.desc, NOTE: self.note, OPTS: odict}} if not os.path.exists(presets_path): os.makedirs(presets_path, mode=0o755) with open(os.path.join(presets_path,, "w") as pfile: json.dump(pdict, pfile)
[docs] def delete(self, presets_path): """Delete a preset from disk :param presets_path: the directory where the preset is saved :type presets_path: ``str`` """ os.unlink(os.path.join(presets_path,
NO_PRESET = 'none' NO_PRESET_DESC = 'Do not load a preset' NO_PRESET_NOTE = 'Use to disable automatically loaded presets' GENERIC_PRESETS = { NO_PRESET: PresetDefaults(name=NO_PRESET, desc=NO_PRESET_DESC, note=NO_PRESET_NOTE, opts=SoSOptions()) }
[docs]class Policy(object): """Policies represent distributions that sos supports, and define the way in which sos behaves on those distributions. A policy should define at minimum a way to identify the distribution, and a package manager to allow for package based plugin enablement. Policies also control preferred ContainerRuntime()'s, upload support to default locations for distribution vendors, disclaimer text, and default presets supported by that distribution or vendor's products. Every Policy will also need at least one "tagging class" for plugins. :param sysroot: Set the sysroot for the system, if not / :type sysroot: ``str`` or ``None`` :param probe_runtime: Should the Policy try to load a ContainerRuntime :type probe_runtime: ``bool`` :cvar distro: The name of the distribution the Policy represents :vartype distro: ``str`` :cvar vendor: The name of the vendor producing the distribution :vartype vendor: ``str`` :cvar vendor_url: URL for the vendor's website, or support portal :vartype vendor_url: ``str`` :cvar vendor_text: Additional text to add to the banner message :vartype vendor_text: ``str`` :cvar name_pattern: The naming pattern to be used for naming archives generated by sos. Values of `legacy`, and `friendly` are preset patterns. May also be set to an explicit custom pattern, see `get_archive_name()` :vartype name_pattern: ``str`` """ msg = _("""\ This command will collect system configuration and diagnostic information \ from this %(distro)s system. For more information on %(vendor)s visit: %(vendor_url)s The generated archive may contain data considered sensitive and its content \ should be reviewed by the originating organization before being passed to \ any third party. %(changes_text)s %(vendor_text)s """) distro = "Unknown" vendor = "Unknown" vendor_url = "" vendor_text = "" PATH = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" default_scl_prefix = "" name_pattern = 'legacy' presets = {"": PresetDefaults()} presets_path = PRESETS_PATH _in_container = False _host_sysroot = '/' def __init__(self, sysroot=None, probe_runtime=True): """Subclasses that choose to override this initializer should call super() to ensure that they get the required platform bits attached. super(SubClass, self).__init__(). Policies that require runtime tests to construct PATH must call self.set_exec_path() after modifying PATH in their own initializer.""" self._parse_uname() self.case_id = None self.probe_runtime = probe_runtime self.package_manager = PackageManager() self._valid_subclasses = [] self.set_exec_path() self._host_sysroot = sysroot self.register_presets(GENERIC_PRESETS) def get_valid_subclasses(self): return [IndependentPlugin] + self._valid_subclasses def set_valid_subclasses(self, subclasses): self._valid_subclasses = subclasses def del_valid_subclasses(self): del self._valid_subclasses valid_subclasses = property(get_valid_subclasses, set_valid_subclasses, del_valid_subclasses, "list of subclasses that this policy can " "process")
[docs] def check(self, remote=''): """ This function is responsible for determining if the underlying system is supported by this policy. If `remote` is provided, it should be the contents of os-release from a remote host, or a similar vendor-specific file that can be used in place of a locally available file. :returns: ``True`` if the Policy should be loaded, else ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return False
[docs] def in_container(self): """Are we running inside a container? :returns: ``True`` if in a container, else ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self._in_container
[docs] def host_sysroot(self): """Get the host's default sysroot :returns: Host sysroot :rtype: ``str`` or ``None`` """ return self._host_sysroot
[docs] def dist_version(self): """ Return the OS version """ pass
[docs] def get_preferred_archive(self): """ Return the class object of the prefered archive format for this platform """ from sos.archive import TarFileArchive return TarFileArchive
[docs] def get_archive_name(self): """ This function should return the filename of the archive without the extension. This uses the policy's `name_pattern` attribute to determine the name. There are two pre-defined naming patterns - `legacy` and `friendly` that give names like the following: * legacy - `sosreport-tux.123456-20171224185433` * friendly - `sosreport-tux-mylabel-123456-2017-12-24-ezcfcop.tar.xz` A custom name_pattern can be used by a policy provided that it defines name_pattern using a format() style string substitution. Usable substitutions are: * name - the short hostname of the system * label - the label given by --label * case - the case id given by --case-id or --ticker-number * rand - a random string of 7 alpha characters Note that if a datestamp is needed, the substring should be set in `name_pattern` in the format accepted by ``strftime()``. :returns: A name to be used for the archive, as expanded from the Policy `name_pattern` :rtype: ``str`` """ name = self.get_local_name().split('.')[0] case = self.case_id label = self.commons['cmdlineopts'].label date = '' rand = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for x in range(7)) if self.name_pattern == 'legacy': nstr = "sosreport-{name}{case}{date}" case = '.' + case if case else '' date = '-%Y%m%d%H%M%S' elif self.name_pattern == 'friendly': nstr = "sosreport-{name}{label}{case}{date}-{rand}" case = '-' + case if case else '' label = '-' + label if label else '' date = '-%Y-%m-%d' else: nstr = self.name_pattern nstr = nstr.format( name=name, label=label, case=case, date=date, rand=rand ) return self.sanitize_filename(time.strftime(nstr))
# for some specific binaries like "xz", we need to determine package # providing it; that is policy specific. By default return the binary # name itself until particular policy overwrites it def _get_pkg_name_for_binary(self, binary): return binary
[docs] def get_cmd_for_compress_method(self, method, threads): """Determine the command to use for compressing the archive :param method: The compression method/binary to use :type method: ``str`` :param threads: Number of threads compression should use :type threads: ``int`` :returns: Full command to use to compress the archive :rtype: ``str`` """ cmd = method if cmd.startswith("xz"): # XZ set compression to -2 and use threads cmd = "%s -2 -T%d" % (cmd, threads) return cmd
def get_tmp_dir(self, opt_tmp_dir): if not opt_tmp_dir: return tempfile.gettempdir() return opt_tmp_dir def get_default_scl_prefix(self): return self.default_scl_prefix
[docs] def match_plugin(self, plugin_classes): """Determine what subclass of a Plugin should be used based on the tagging classes assigned to the Plugin :param plugin_classes: The classes that the Plugin subclasses :type plugin_classes: ``list`` :returns: The first subclass that matches one of the Policy's `valid_subclasses` :rtype: A tagging class for Plugins """ if len(plugin_classes) > 1: for p in plugin_classes: # Give preference to the first listed tagging class # so that e.g. UbuntuPlugin is chosen over DebianPlugin # on an Ubuntu installation. if issubclass(p, self.valid_subclasses[0]): return p return plugin_classes[0]
[docs] def validate_plugin(self, plugin_class, experimental=False): """ Verifies that the plugin_class should execute under this policy :param plugin_class: The tagging class being checked :type plugin_class: A Plugin() tagging class :returns: ``True`` if the `plugin_class` is allowed by the policy :rtype: ``bool`` """ valid_subclasses = [IndependentPlugin] + self.valid_subclasses if experimental: valid_subclasses += [ExperimentalPlugin] return any(issubclass(plugin_class, class_) for class_ in valid_subclasses)
[docs] def pre_work(self): """ This function is called prior to collection. """ pass
[docs] def post_work(self): """ This function is called after the sosreport has been generated. """ pass
[docs] def pkg_by_name(self, pkg): """Wrapper to retrieve a package from the Policy's package manager :param pkg: The name of the package :type pkg: ``str`` :returns: The first package that matches `pkg` :rtype: ``str`` """ return self.package_manager.pkg_by_name(pkg)
def _parse_uname(self): (system, node, release, version, machine, processor) = platform.uname() self.system = system self.hostname = node self.release = release self.smp = version.split()[1] == "SMP" self.machine = machine
[docs] def set_commons(self, commons): """Set common host data for the Policy to reference """ self.commons = commons
def _set_PATH(self, path): os.environ['PATH'] = path def set_exec_path(self): self._set_PATH(self.PATH)
[docs] def is_root(self): """This method should return true if the user calling the script is considered to be a superuser :returns: ``True`` if user is superuser, else ``False`` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return (os.getuid() == 0)
[docs] def get_preferred_hash_name(self): """Returns the string name of the hashlib-supported checksum algorithm to use""" return "md5"
[docs] def display_results(self, archive, directory, checksum, archivestat=None, map_file=None): """Display final information about a generated archive :param archive: The name of the archive that was generated :type archive: ``str`` :param directory: The build directory for sos if --build was used :type directory: ``str`` :param checksum: The checksum of the archive :type checksum: ``str`` :param archivestat: stat() information for the archive :type archivestat: `os.stat_result` :param map_file: If sos clean was invoked, the location of the mapping file for this run :type map_file: ``str`` """ # Logging is already shutdown and all terminal output must use the # print() call. # make sure a report exists if not archive and not directory: return False self._print() if map_file: self._print(_("A mapping of obfuscated elements is available at" "\n\t%s\n" % map_file)) if archive: self._print(_("Your sosreport has been generated and saved " "in:\n\t%s\n") % archive, always=True) self._print(_(" Size\t%s") % get_human_readable(archivestat.st_size)) self._print(_(" Owner\t%s") % getpwuid(archivestat.st_uid).pw_name) else: self._print(_("Your sosreport build tree has been generated " "in:\n\t%s\n") % directory, always=True) if checksum: self._print(" " + self.get_preferred_hash_name() + "\t" + checksum) self._print() self._print(_("Please send this file to your support " "representative.")) self._print()
def _print(self, msg=None, always=False): """A wrapper around print that only prints if we are not running in quiet mode""" if always or not self.commons['cmdlineopts'].quiet: if msg: print(msg) else: print()
[docs] def get_msg(self): """This method is used to prepare the preamble text to display to the user in non-batch mode. If your policy sets self.distro that text will be substituted accordingly. You can also override this method to do something more complicated. :returns: Formatted banner message string :rtype: ``str`` """ if self.commons['cmdlineopts'].allow_system_changes: changes_text = "Changes CAN be made to system configuration." else: changes_text = "No changes will be made to system configuration." width = 72 _msg = self.msg % {'distro': self.distro, 'vendor': self.vendor, 'vendor_url': self.vendor_url, 'vendor_text': self.vendor_text, 'tmpdir': self.commons['tmpdir'], 'changes_text': changes_text} _fmt = "" for line in _msg.splitlines(): _fmt = _fmt + fill(line, width, replace_whitespace=False) + '\n' return _fmt
[docs] def register_presets(self, presets, replace=False): """Add new presets to this policy object. Merges the presets dictionary ``presets`` into this ``Policy`` object, or replaces the current presets if ``replace`` is ``True``. ``presets`` should be a dictionary mapping ``str`` preset names to ``<class PresetDefaults>`` objects specifying the command line defaults. :param presets: dictionary of presets to add or replace :param replace: replace presets rather than merge new presets. """ if replace: self.presets = {} self.presets.update(presets)
[docs] def find_preset(self, preset): """Find a preset profile matching the specified preset string. :param preset: a string containing a preset profile name. :returns: a matching PresetProfile. """ # FIXME: allow fuzzy matching? for match in self.presets.keys(): if match == preset: return self.presets[match] return None
[docs] def probe_preset(self): """Return a ``PresetDefaults`` object matching the runing host. Stub method to be implemented by derived policy classes. :returns: a ``PresetDefaults`` object. """ return self.presets[NO_PRESET]
[docs] def load_presets(self, presets_path=None): """Load presets from disk. Read JSON formatted preset data from the specified path, or the default location at ``/var/lib/sos/presets``. :param presets_path: a directory containing JSON presets. """ presets_path = presets_path or self.presets_path if not os.path.exists(presets_path): return for preset_path in os.listdir(presets_path): preset_path = os.path.join(presets_path, preset_path) with open(preset_path) as pf: try: preset_data = json.load(pf) except ValueError: continue for preset in preset_data.keys(): pd = PresetDefaults(preset, opts=SoSOptions()) data = preset_data[preset] pd.desc = data[DESC] if DESC in data else "" pd.note = data[NOTE] if NOTE in data else "" if OPTS in data: for arg in data[OPTS]: setattr(pd.opts, arg, data[OPTS][arg]) pd.builtin = False self.presets[preset] = pd
[docs] def add_preset(self, name=None, desc=None, note=None, opts=SoSOptions()): """Add a new on-disk preset and write it to the configured presets path. :param preset: the new PresetDefaults to add """ presets_path = self.presets_path if not name: raise ValueError("Preset name cannot be empty") if name in self.presets.keys(): raise ValueError("A preset with name '%s' already exists" % name) preset = PresetDefaults(name=name, desc=desc, note=note, opts=opts) preset.builtin = False self.presets[] = preset preset.write(presets_path)
def del_preset(self, name=""): if not name or name not in self.presets.keys(): raise ValueError("Unknown profile: '%s'" % name) preset = self.presets[name] if preset.builtin: raise ValueError("Cannot delete built-in preset '%s'" % preset.delete(self.presets_path) self.presets.pop(name)
[docs]class GenericPolicy(Policy): """This Policy will be returned if no other policy can be loaded. This should allow for IndependentPlugins to be executed on any system"""
[docs] def get_msg(self): return self.msg % {'distro': self.system}
[docs]class LinuxPolicy(Policy): """This policy is meant to be an abc class that provides common implementations used in Linux distros""" distro = "Linux" vendor = "None" PATH = "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" init = None # _ prefixed class attrs are used for storing any vendor-defined defaults # the non-prefixed attrs are used by the upload methods, and will be set # to the cmdline/config file values, if provided. If not provided, then # those attrs will be set to the _ prefixed values as a fallback. # TL;DR Use _upload_* for policy default values, use upload_* when wanting # to actual use the value in a method/override _upload_url = None _upload_directory = '/' _upload_user = None _upload_password = None _use_https_streaming = False default_container_runtime = 'docker' _preferred_hash_name = None upload_url = None upload_user = None upload_password = None # collector-focused class attrs containerized = False container_image = None sos_path_strip = None sos_pkg_name = None sos_bin_path = None sos_container_name = 'sos-collector-tmp' container_version_command = None def __init__(self, sysroot=None, init=None, probe_runtime=True): super(LinuxPolicy, self).__init__(sysroot=sysroot, probe_runtime=probe_runtime) self.init_kernel_modules() if init is not None: self.init_system = init elif os.path.isdir("/run/systemd/system/"): self.init_system = SystemdInit() else: self.init_system = InitSystem() self.runtimes = {} if self.probe_runtime: _crun = [ PodmanContainerRuntime(policy=self), DockerContainerRuntime(policy=self) ] for runtime in _crun: if runtime.check_is_active(): self.runtimes[] = runtime if == self.default_container_runtime: self.runtimes['default'] = self.runtimes[] self.runtimes[].load_container_info() if self.runtimes and 'default' not in self.runtimes.keys(): # still allow plugins to query a runtime present on the system # even if that is not the policy default one idx = list(self.runtimes.keys()) self.runtimes['default'] = self.runtimes[idx[0]]
[docs] def get_preferred_hash_name(self): if self._preferred_hash_name: return self._preferred_hash_name checksum = "md5" try: fp = open("/proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled", "r") except IOError: self._preferred_hash_name = checksum return checksum fips_enabled = if fips_enabled.find("1") >= 0: checksum = "sha256" fp.close() self._preferred_hash_name = checksum return checksum
def default_runlevel(self): try: with open("/etc/inittab") as fp: pattern = r"id:(\d{1}):initdefault:" text = return int(re.findall(pattern, text)[0]) except (IndexError, IOError): return 3 def kernel_version(self): return self.release def host_name(self): return self.hostname def is_kernel_smp(self): return self.smp def get_arch(self): return self.machine
[docs] def get_local_name(self): """Returns the name usd in the pre_work step""" return self.host_name()
def sanitize_filename(self, name): return re.sub(r"[^-a-z,A-Z.0-9]", "", name)
[docs] def init_kernel_modules(self): """Obtain a list of loaded kernel modules to reference later for plugin enablement and SoSPredicate checks """ lines = shell_out("lsmod", timeout=0).splitlines() self.kernel_mods = [line.split()[0].strip() for line in lines]
[docs] def pre_work(self): # this method will be called before the gathering begins cmdline_opts = self.commons['cmdlineopts'] caseid = cmdline_opts.case_id if cmdline_opts.case_id else "" # Set the cmdline settings to the class attrs that are referenced later # The policy default '_' prefixed versions of these are untouched to # allow fallback self.upload_url = cmdline_opts.upload_url self.upload_user = cmdline_opts.upload_user self.upload_directory = cmdline_opts.upload_directory self.upload_password = cmdline_opts.upload_pass if not cmdline_opts.batch and not \ cmdline_opts.quiet: try: if caseid: self.case_id = caseid else: self.case_id = input(_("Please enter the case id " "that you are generating this " "report for [%s]: ") % caseid) # Policies will need to handle the prompts for user information if cmdline_opts.upload or self.upload_url: self.prompt_for_upload_user() self.prompt_for_upload_password() self._print() except KeyboardInterrupt: self._print() raise if cmdline_opts.case_id: self.case_id = cmdline_opts.case_id return
[docs] def prompt_for_upload_user(self): """Should be overridden by policies to determine if a user needs to be provided or not """ if not self.upload_user and not self._upload_user: msg = "Please provide upload user for %s: " % self.get_upload_url() self.upload_user = input(_(msg))
[docs] def prompt_for_upload_password(self): """Should be overridden by policies to determine if a password needs to be provided for upload or not """ if ((not self.upload_password and not self._upload_password) and self.upload_user): msg = ( "Please provide the upload password for %s: " % self.upload_user ) self.upload_password = getpass(msg)
[docs] def upload_archive(self, archive): """ Entry point for sos attempts to upload the generated archive to a policy or user specified location. Curerntly there is support for HTTPS, SFTP, and FTP. HTTPS uploads are preferred for policy-defined defaults. Policies that need to override uploading methods should override the respective upload_https(), upload_sftp(), and/or upload_ftp() methods and should NOT override this method. :param archive: The archive filepath to use for upload :type archive: ``str`` In order to enable this for a policy, that policy needs to implement the following: Required Class Attrs :_upload_url: The default location to use. Note these MUST include protocol header :_upload_user: Default username, if any else None :_upload_password: Default password, if any else None :_use_https_streaming: Set to True if the HTTPS endpoint supports streaming data The following Class Attrs may optionally be overidden by the Policy :_upload_directory: Default FTP server directory, if any The following methods may be overridden by ``Policy`` as needed `prompt_for_upload_user()` Determines if sos should prompt for a username or not. `get_upload_user()` Determines if the default or a different username should be used `get_upload_https_auth()` Format authentication data for HTTPS uploads `get_upload_url_string()` Print a more human-friendly string than vendor URLs """ self.upload_archive = archive self.upload_url = self.get_upload_url() if not self.upload_url: raise Exception("No upload destination provided by policy or by " "--upload-url") upload_func = self._determine_upload_type() print(_("Attempting upload to %s" % self.get_upload_url_string())) return upload_func()
def _determine_upload_type(self): """Based on the url provided, determine what type of upload to attempt. Note that this requires users to provide a FQDN address, such as or instead of or """ prots = { 'ftp': self.upload_ftp, 'sftp': self.upload_sftp, 'https': self.upload_https } if '://' not in self.upload_url: raise Exception("Must provide protocol in upload URL") prot, url = self.upload_url.split('://') if prot not in prots.keys(): raise Exception("Unsupported or unrecognized protocol: %s" % prot) return prots[prot]
[docs] def get_upload_https_auth(self, user=None, password=None): """Formats the user/password credentials using basic auth :param user: The username for upload :type user: ``str`` :param password: Password for `user` to use for upload :type password: ``str`` :returns: The user/password auth suitable for use in reqests calls :rtype: ``requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth()`` """ if not user: user = self.get_upload_user() if not password: password = self.get_upload_password() return requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(user, password)
[docs] def get_upload_url(self): """Helper function to determine if we should use the policy default upload url or one provided by the user :returns: The URL to use for upload :rtype: ``str`` """ return self.upload_url or self._upload_url
[docs] def get_upload_url_string(self): """Used by distro policies to potentially change the string used to report upload location from the URL to a more human-friendly string """ return self.get_upload_url()
[docs] def get_upload_user(self): """Helper function to determine if we should use the policy default upload user or one provided by the user :returns: The username to use for upload :rtype: ``str`` """ return self.upload_user or self._upload_user
[docs] def get_upload_password(self): """Helper function to determine if we should use the policy default upload password or one provided by the user :returns: The password to use for upload :rtype: ``str`` """ return self.upload_password or self._upload_password
[docs] def upload_sftp(self): """Attempts to upload the archive to an SFTP location. Due to the lack of well maintained, secure, and generally widespread python libraries for SFTP, sos will shell-out to the system's local ssh installation in order to handle these uploads. Do not override this method with one that uses python-paramiko, as the upstream sos team will reject any PR that includes that dependency. """ raise NotImplementedError("SFTP support is not yet implemented")
def _upload_https_streaming(self, archive): """If upload_https() needs to use requests.put(), this method is used to provide streaming functionality Policies should override this method instead of the base upload_https() :param archive: The open archive file object """ return requests.put(self.get_upload_url(), data=archive, auth=self.get_upload_https_auth()) def _get_upload_headers(self): """Define any needed headers to be passed with the POST request here """ return {} def _upload_https_no_stream(self, archive): """If upload_https() needs to use, this method is used to provide non-streaming functionality Policies should override this method instead of the base upload_https() :param archive: The open archive file object """ files = { 'file': ('/')[-1], archive, self._get_upload_headers()) } return, files=files, auth=self.get_upload_https_auth())
[docs] def upload_https(self): """Attempts to upload the archive to an HTTPS location. Policies may define whether this upload attempt should use streaming or non-streaming data by setting the `use_https_streaming` class attr to True :returns: ``True`` if upload is successful :rtype: ``bool`` :raises: ``Exception`` if upload was unsuccessful """ if not REQUESTS_LOADED: raise Exception("Unable to upload due to missing python requests " "library") with open(self.upload_archive, 'rb') as arc: if not self._use_https_streaming: r = self._upload_https_no_stream(arc) else: r = self._upload_https_streaming(arc) if r.status_code != 201: if r.status_code == 401: raise Exception( "Authentication failed: invalid user credentials" ) raise Exception("POST request returned %s: %s" % (r.status_code, r.reason)) return True
[docs] def upload_ftp(self, url=None, directory=None, user=None, password=None): """Attempts to upload the archive to either the policy defined or user provided FTP location. :param url: The URL to upload to :type url: ``str`` :param directory: The directory on the FTP server to write to :type directory: ``str`` or ``None`` :param user: The user to authenticate with :type user: ``str`` :param password: The password to use for `user` :type password: ``str`` :returns: ``True`` if upload is successful :rtype: ``bool`` :raises: ``Exception`` if upload in unsuccessful """ try: import ftplib import socket except ImportError: # socket is part of the standard library, should only fail here on # ftplib raise Exception("missing python ftplib library") if not url: url = self.get_upload_url() if url is None: raise Exception("no FTP server specified by policy, use --upload-" "url to specify a location") url = url.replace('ftp://', '') if not user: user = self.get_upload_user() if not password: password = self.get_upload_password() if not directory: directory = self._upload_directory try: session = ftplib.FTP(url, user, password) session.cwd(directory) except socket.gaierror: raise Exception("unable to connect to %s" % url) except ftplib.error_perm as err: errno = str(err).split()[0] if errno == 503: raise Exception("could not login as '%s'" % user) if errno == 550: raise Exception("could not set upload directory to %s" % directory) try: with open(self.upload_archive, 'rb') as _arcfile: session.storbinary( "STOR %s" % self.upload_archive.split('/')[-1], _arcfile ) session.quit() return True except IOError: raise Exception("could not open archive file")
[docs] def set_sos_prefix(self): """If sosreport commands need to always be prefixed with something, for example running in a specific container image, then it should be defined here. If no prefix should be set, return an empty string instead of None. """ return ''
[docs] def set_cleanup_cmd(self): """If a host requires additional cleanup, the command should be set and returned here """ return ''
[docs] def create_sos_container(self): """Returns the command that will create the container that will be used for running commands inside a container on hosts that require it. This will use the container runtime defined for the host type to launch a container. From there, we use the defined runtime to exec into the container's namespace. """ return ''
[docs] def restart_sos_container(self): """Restarts the container created for sos collect if it has stopped. This is called immediately after create_sos_container() as the command to create the container will exit and the container will stop. For current container runtimes, subsequently starting the container will default to opening a bash shell in the container to keep it running, thus allowing us to exec into it again. """ return "%s start %s" % (self.container_runtime, self.sos_container_name)
[docs] def format_container_command(self, cmd): """Returns the command that allows us to exec into the created container for sos collect. :param cmd: The command to run in the sos container :type cmd: ``str`` :returns: The command to execute to run `cmd` in the container :rtype: ``str`` """ if self.container_runtime: return '%s exec %s %s' % (self.container_runtime, self.sos_container_name, cmd) else: return cmd
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